Monday, March 3, 2008

Book Review: The Revolution by Ron Pual

Well for all of you that complain that politicians do not clearly outline their views and are always trying to cater to whatever pulls in the votes, this maybe the book for you. That is basically what this book is about. Ron Pauls view on all the political issues of the day. At least the ones that most voters are concerned with. I really, disagree with what a lot of what Ron Paul advocates and will not be voting for him.

That being said I am glad I bought his book. I really repect the fact that he takes a firm stand on his positions and is willing to put in writing what he intends to do. Now, if only a republican candidate I agreed with would take the same action. It is unfortunate that leaders can no longer be found in the world and when we get close liberals always try to tear them down. Well I highly recommend Ron Paul's book. I am glad to have at least supported his honesty by buying this book.

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